DC, Maryland and Virginia Based Law Firm Handling Commercial Real Estate and Technology Transactions, Bankruptcies, and Related Litigation

Distressed commercial real estate – A small law firm, with big law firm experience, helping lenders, owners, tenants, and buyers, of commercial real estate, with foreclosures and evictions.

Winston Churchill once said: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” We try to be both the pessimist and the optimist, and to take advantage of Ken’s big law firm experience, to provide our clients with the legal pros and cons involved from all sides.

Ken Samuelson

Samuelson Law at a Glance

Samuelson Law is a b2b boutique law firm that focuses upon handling commercial real estate and technology transactions, business bankruptcies, and related litigation. Its niche is combining its practice areas to restructure distressed commercial real estate and LLC’s, including workouts, recapitalizations, bankruptcies, sale-leasebacks, and “business divorces” and other types of business break-ups and dissolutions, including handling any litigation associated therewith. Consequently, this firm is particularly sensitive, to such possibilities, when it structures the parties’ relationships and transactions.

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